Collezione microbica ENEA
Burkholderia ambifaria

Burkholderia ambifaria

Name of the microorganism: Burkholderia ambifaria (genus Burkholderia; family Burkholderiaceae)

ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Laboratory for AgriFood Sustainability, Quality and Safety, Biotechnologies and Agroindustry Division, Department for Sustainability, C.R. Casaccia, Via Anguillarese 301, 00123, Rome, Italy

Burkholderia ambifaria MCI 7 is a beneficial bacterium isolated from maize rhizosphere ( The picture illustrates its ability to produce siderophores in chrome  azurol S (CAS)-agar plate. The assay is based on a competition for iron between the ferric complex of a indicator dye, chrome azurol S (CAS), and a chelator or siderophore produced by microorganisms.  The positive reaction results in a color change of CAS reagent (usually from blue to orange).



15 Aprile 2024




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